Unveiling the Connection Between Nickel Allergies and Diet: Bethany's Journey

May 31, 2023


Hello Metalheads and Welcome to the Jungle! In this special edition of the Heavily Metal Podcast, we delve into a unique topic that hasn't been covered extensively before: nickel allergy and its relation to diet. Our guest, Bethany from Missouri, graciously joins us to share her personal journey and shed light on this often overlooked aspect of health. From childhood experiences to surprising discoveries, Bethany's story highlights the impact of nickel on her life and how it has influenced her choices. Join us as we explore the fascinating connection between nickel allergies, diet, and daily life.

Meeting Bethany: An Unexpected Discovery

Our host, Shari, considers herself fortunate to have stumbled upon Bethany's story online. With curiosity piqued, she invited Bethany to join the podcast and shed light on her experiences. Bethany graciously accepted the invitation, eager to share her knowledge and insights.

Bethany's Background and Allergy Onset

Bethany grew up in the beautiful countryside of Missouri, enjoying a blissful childhood. Her health was relatively straightforward during her early years, except for the time she had braces, which surprisingly didn't cause any major issues. However, as Bethany embarked on her artistic endeavors, she started experiencing problems with certain jewelry items, which she later discovered were due to a sensitivity to nickel.

With a passion for art and guitar playing, both of which involve nickel-containing components such as guitar strings and paintbrushes, Bethany found it intriguing to reflect on her hobbies and the objects she loved. In college, she pursued art and design and met her college sweetheart, Adam, whom she eventually married. They have two kids, and as a homeschooling parent, Bethany keeps busy with her children, enjoying outdoor activities like hiking and gardening.

Exploring Bethany's Musical Tastes

Before delving deeper into the subject of nickel allergies, Shari lightens the mood by asking Bethany about her favorite heavy metal song and band. Bethany's choice is "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne, a classic that never fails to captivate. Her son, on the other hand, favors "Booms" by Piote, a song that amps up his energy before basketball games. As for Shari, she has a soft spot for Skid Row and Bon Jovi, thanks to her personal connections and experiences during the golden age of rock and roll.

Early Exposures: Uncovering the Nickel Allergy

Returning to the core topic, Shari prompts Bethany to discuss her earliest encounters with nickel-related issues. Bethany recalls her high school days, where she noticed discomfort with certain jewelry pieces. A well-meaning individual suggested she might be sensitive to nickel and recommended using hypoallergenic jewelry. This revelation served as Bethany's first insight into her nickel allergy.

The affected jewelry items included earrings, jean buttons, and bracelets, primarily causing contact dermatitis at the points of contact. Surprisingly, Bethany didn't experience symptoms elsewhere on her body during this period.

Curiosity piqued, Shari shares a personal story related to concrete and asphalt, wondering if these materials also contain nickel. Bethany had recently discovered that concrete often contains metals like nickel. Intrigued, Shari contemplates the possibility of nickel being present in the asphalt that had lodged in her leg following a motorcycle accident years ago.

Unforeseen Reactions and College Days

Bethany's journey with her nickel allergy continued into her college years when she encountered new challenges. She developed severe symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), leading her doctor to perform a colonoscopy to investigate further. Fortunately, the results showed nothing alarming, leaving Bethany relieved but still puzzled by her recurring health issues.

During this time, her diet included high-nickel foods like oatmeal, chickpeas, nuts, beans & spinach smoothies.

Braces, Triggers, Flares & Diagnosis

Bethany discusses her lack of reaction to braces and her avoidance of jewelry due to irritation. Shari mentions her son's nickel allergy discovered during his braces, which manifested as canker sores. They discuss the possibility of Bethany having a similar reaction. Bethany shares her major flare-up experience during COVID-19, where she had significant swelling, joint pain, hair loss, and skin reactions. Shari asks about the triggers and symptoms during the flare-up. Bethany mentions consuming chickpea curry, spinach smoothies, chocolate, beans, and Mexican food that week. She also highlights the impact of water from old pipes containing nickel. Bethany talks about her telemedicine appointment, where the doctor diagnosed her with a nickel allergy based on her pictures.

The Low-Nickel Diet & Environment

She discusses starting the low nickel diet and identifying nickel exposure in her environment. They mention specific items like sandals with buckles, instant pots with stainless steel inserts, and water bottles. Bethany recommends Nickel Alert, a product that detects nickel in metals. Shari asks about the Italian nickel detox diet and Bethany lists some allowed foods like Swiss chard, iceberg lettuce, squash, quinoa, beef, lamb, and spices like paprika and cardamom. She mentions forbidden foods such as brown rice, spinach, nuts, seeds, avocados, hummus, sesame oil, soy, and canned items.

Tracking Symptoms

Bethany shares that she keeps a detailed binder where she documents her dietary choices, test results, and other relevant information. She emphasizes the importance of taking pictures to track her progress and communicate effectively with her healthcare providers. Shari reveals her own experiences with metal allergies and discusses the connection between metal implants and systemic reactions.

Nickel Allergy & Mental Health

As they discuss the impact of nickel allergy on their mental health, Bethany explains how her symptoms, such as intrusive thoughts and anxiety, have significantly improved since adopting her nickel-restricted diet. With fewer physical symptoms to manage, she feels her mental load has decreased, allowing her to better handle the ups and downs of life.

New Insights

Bethany's journey has led her to develop new interests and insights. She mentions her newfound fascination with gardening and the discovery of hyperaccumulators—plants that absorb metals from the soil. She highlights sunflowers and dandelions as examples of hyperaccumulators and explains how they can help reduce heavy metals in the soil. Shari raises questions about the safety of consuming dandelions for individuals with nickel allergies, and they decide to explore this topic further.

The Italian Nickel Detox Diet

Towards the end, Shari encourages Bethany to explain the Italian nickel detox diet in simpler terms, breaking down the foods that are allowed and those that should be avoided. Bethany mentions some allowed foods such as Swiss chard, iceberg lettuce, squash, quinoa, beef, lamb, and certain spices, while foods like brown rice, spinach, nuts, seeds, avocados, and canned items are to be avoided. The Italian Nickel Detox Diet is a good one to follow starting out. This page HERE is a great resource for those with a nickel allergy. 

In Conclusion

The episode concludes with Bethany and Shari discussing their experiences with specific foods that contain nickel, like hummus and Asian flavors, and the challenges of adjusting their diets to accommodate their nickel allergies. They express their shared goal of changing the medical narrative surrounding metal allergies and ensuring that healthcare providers understand and address the unique needs of patients with these allergies.

Overall, the podcast segments provide valuable insights into Bethany's journey with nickel allergy, her strategies for managing her symptoms, and the impact of her condition on her mental health. The conversation touches on various topics related to nickel allergies, including the importance of documentation, the role of metal implants in systemic reactions, gardening with hyperaccumulators, and the potential benefits of hydroponics.


Metal hypersensitivity reactions often cause chronic systemic pain, immune dysfunction, histamine reactions, eczema, bleeding rashes & many other chronic symptoms.

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